A family story...

Butter and Dairy is part of the Ramdenee Group of Companies.
It started its operations in 1983 as the Group which was originally involved in the import and trading of food items and sugar cane plantation, decided to diversify into the manufacture of butter and margarine.

The leading supplier of margarine, fats and allied products to the nation, embraced for decades by both industrial and household consumers

Since then, the company has grown rapidly over the past 35 years. While it started with the production of re-combined butter, it diversified into industrial margarine production almost three years later and now produces four different types of industrial margarine which it sells to bakeries and wholesalers primarily but also to hotels, supermarkets and restaurants. In order to expand the scale of its operations, it has set up a state of the art production facility which boasts cutting-edge equipment, such as Gerstenberg and Agger crystalliser equipment and Shroders pin rotor machine whilst also using the most efficient production method and employing best industry practices.

With quality at the centre of its core values, Butter and Dairy places heavy emphasis on the origin and the quality of its edible fats that goes into the production of its margarine. Mainly imported from Asia and Europe, its fats fulfills regulatory requirements for international ISO certification to eventually produce a top quality product that meets customer requirements and surpasses customers’ expectations.

The vision of Butter and Dairy is to consistently provide high quality butter and margarine that are sought after by our customers, while being at the forefront of innovative practices and latest developments in the industry.